IF stands for Engineering and Philosophy because the goals of this group focus on hybridizing both branches of knowledge. IF materializes in interdisciplinary work between people with engineering backgrounds concerned with the ethical aspects of technology and its social impacts, and those who study the relationships between science, technology, and society from a philosophical perspective. To this end, we participate in various forums, maintain a weekly technophilosophical café, and, above all, we organize an annual university extension course, workshops, and, since 2023, a conference.
Ongoing Projects:
II Congreso IF Website of the 2nd IF Congress
Café filo-tecnológico Meetings over coffee to discuss technology and philosophy
IF 5 Website of IF 5 (class and sessions)
I Congreso IF Website of the 1st IF Congress
Jornadas IF 4.0 Fourth IF Days. February 2022
Jornadas IF 3.0 Third IF Days. February 2021
Jornadas IF 2.0 Second IF Days. February 2020
Jornadas IF 1.0 First IF Days. December 2018
Etic-ah! Project in development. A set of short videos covering ethical and technological concepts based on real cases.