Profes con impacto
Because we have realized that the way our students think has changed, we are transforming how we convey knowledge. Because we seek a teaching-learning process adapted to upcoming technologies and future societies, we continue to develop a working group formed by professors from the University of Oviedo, motivated to improve the educational system. To this end, we conduct workshops and training visits for the team, and participate together with INIE in teacher training activities. We also love inviting experts in different fields to complement our cross-disciplinary training, and ultimately, anything that helps us advance towards our goal: Restarting the University.
Ongoing Projects:
Premio Impacto Positivo 2025 Information about the Positive Impact Award call 2025
Premio Impacto Positivo 2024 Information about the Positive Impact Award call 2024
Premio Impacto Positivo 2023 Information about the Positive Impact Award call
Profesionales con Impacto University+Business collaboration
Clases con impacto Professors from the University of Oviedo motivated to improve and adapt student learning