This working group aims to create an open and multidisciplinary ecosystem where both the University (researchers and students), companies, and the general public can disseminate information, share experiences, learn, and develop functional prototypes based on new LPWAN IoT technologies (LoRaWAN, Sigfox, Zigbee, 6LoWPAN, NB-IoT, LTE-M, etc.). Organized in biweekly sessions held at the MediaLab Space and complemented by various online contact forums, it facilitates networking and enhances participants' skills in sensing and networks applied to different industrial, environmental, or social fields.
Ongoing Projects:
Pastillero Digital Design of a pill dispenser in collaboration with Mar de Niebla
Estación Meteorológica LoRa Weather station based on LoRa technology
Dron-IOT Design of a temperature sensor attachable to a drone
Boya LoRa Design of a temperature and pH sensor for seawater
Fisurómetro Design of a displacement measurement sensor based on LoRa
Sensor de Incendios Design of a fire sensor based on LoRa technology
Sensor Cooper Sensor network for monitoring water levels in rivers and streams
Charlas IOT A work team open to all of society: companies, universities, government... around low-power networks. Sharing, ideating, creating...
Sensor CO2 Design of a CO2 sensor