The Circular Economy line aims to accommodate projects and initiatives primarily focused on the recycling or reuse of materials discarded by companies related to the sea. Its purpose is to promote the conservation of oceans and the marine environment, and to bring these initiatives closer to the public.
Ongoing ProjectsPunto de intercambio de libros Llavero circular Contact
Verónica Soto
The objective is the development and dissemination of projects and prototypes that impact the health of society through synergies between engineers and healthcare professionals. An open space where, in addition to experts, citizens/patients are the protagonists, able to participate throughout the entire process.
Ongoing ProjectsM E K E I D CuboLab Contact
María González
The main objective of this working group is to serve as an environment for developing, sharing, and disseminating ideas and experiences aimed at improving the energy efficiency of processes and systems, reducing energy consumption and pollution, and promoting more environmentally respectful attitudes and the use of natural resources.
Ongoing ProjectsPayless Solar01 Contact
Andrés Meana
The aim of this group is to generate didactic proposals based on the projects developed in MediaLab with a curricular approach, designing interdisciplinary educational projects for different educational stages (as outlined in the LOMLOE). The implementation of these educational projects in various institutions allows students to engage with different disciplines in a transversal way, acquiring knowledge actively and sparking STEAM vocations.
Ongoing ProjectsTaller contaminación Re-Utilízalo Contact
Inés Fombella
IF stands for Engineering and Philosophy because the goals of this group focus on hybridizing both branches of knowledge. IF materializes in interdisciplinary work between people with engineering backgrounds concerned with the ethical aspects of technology and its social impacts, and those who study the relationships between science, technology, and society from a philosophical perspective. To this end, we participate in various forums, maintain a weekly technophilosophical café, and, above all, we organize an annual university extension course, workshops, and, since 2023, a conference.
Ongoing ProjectsII Congreso IF Café filo-tecnológico Contact
Jorge Coque
This working group aims to create an open and multidisciplinary ecosystem where both the University (researchers and students), companies, and the general public can disseminate information, share experiences, learn, and develop functional prototypes based on new LPWAN IoT technologies (LoRaWAN, Sigfox, Zigbee, 6LoWPAN, NB-IoT, LTE-M, etc.). Organized in biweekly sessions held at the MediaLab Space and complemented by various online contact forums, it facilitates networking and enhances participants' skills in sensing and networks applied to different industrial, environmental, or social fields.
Ongoing ProjectsHIRED Pastillero Digital Contact
Ignacio Rodríguez
Because we have realized that the way our students think has changed, we are transforming how we convey knowledge. Because we seek a teaching-learning process adapted to upcoming technologies and future societies, we continue to develop a working group formed by professors from the University of Oviedo, motivated to improve the educational system. To this end, we conduct workshops and training visits for the team, and participate together with INIE in teacher training activities. We also love inviting experts in different fields to complement our cross-disciplinary training, and ultimately, anything that helps us advance towards our goal: Restarting the University.
Ongoing ProjectsPremio Impacto Positivo 2025 Premio Impacto Positivo 2024 Contact
Alfonso Díaz
We offer 3D printing services that challenge the team. We have several machines that print in PLA to exploit the main features of 3D printing: short runs, customization, and complex geometry.
Ongoing ProjectsManzanas 3D Trampa velutina Contact
Ramón Rubio